Friday, October 23, 2009

The Dark Temple of Midnight

Day is over
work done for the busy

The sun sets upon the dusty landscape.
Trudging through the fields

Sweat of the brow
Backs still bent, they walk.

A scarecrow stretches his corn stalk arms and stares
A raven caws as is his fashion

Near is the nighttime with its dark temple of midnight.

A strange fragrance blows across my nostrils
Sweet, spicy, bold
the breath of summer seeking completion

Fall descends with the orange moon.
Night warps the earth with its cloak of silence

A coverlet of sleep.
Copyright (C) 2009 desertwalker All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. YIKES Desertwalker,
    I love this poem The Dark Temple of Midnight. The Last stanza is POWERFUL! Thank you for sharing such an evocative poem!
