Friday, October 23, 2009

The Dark Temple of Midnight

Day is over
work done for the busy

The sun sets upon the dusty landscape.
Trudging through the fields

Sweat of the brow
Backs still bent, they walk.

A scarecrow stretches his corn stalk arms and stares
A raven caws as is his fashion

Near is the nighttime with its dark temple of midnight.

A strange fragrance blows across my nostrils
Sweet, spicy, bold
the breath of summer seeking completion

Fall descends with the orange moon.
Night warps the earth with its cloak of silence

A coverlet of sleep.
Copyright (C) 2009 desertwalker All rights reserved.

Friday, October 9, 2009

and found
one feather
slightly used
one bird
one feather

Monday, October 5, 2009


The pattern of the conductor
Passion balanced by control
In absolute freedom
Is absolute control
The keeper of expression
The pattern of the writer
The theme
The pattern of man
Patterns of life

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Silence spills over the rocks

the hard places of the mind

deep at every corner

deep into the cobwebs

Rich in color is the sound that silence makes

Silence is a place of words made manifest

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Monday, September 28, 2009


"Men teach us to speak, but the gods teach us to be silent" Plutarch

Silence is without wanting
Silence is whole in and of itself

You can’t get it
You have it
Reach deep it is there.
See the small light as you close your eyes
follow it, see where it leads.
So deep
So still
peace flows through every pore and you are free.
Free to be
To experience the beauty of the connectedness of all things.
“Things” internal, external
Silence cannot be bound
as the wind blows free so does silence
ready and available for all.

Silence descends, rich as cream on black coffee
Ripe as a red cherry, silence bleeds sound.
Weep for the silence is so beautiful
A river of light emerges around a mountain top
a silver halo is the glow of silence.
Silence is color
silence is golden
Silence is my body
Stillness beats upon my breast.

I say hello to silence
Sit awhile
We join together silence and I

We invade nothing
leave no footprints just silence and I

(posted is the sole and exclusive property of gloria. Copyrights are in force.)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

a new day!

Tomorrow why is it always tomorrow?
Responsibility starts today
Be present and know the now.